7 Times Colin Farrell Was The Most Charming

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When Colin Farrell won Best Actor at this week's Golden Globe Awards, he gave a speech that was funny and touching in equal measure. He's not afraid to show his emotional side, and he's definitely not afraid to show his love for his The Banshees of Inisherin co-star Brendan Gleeson. Because Farrell is having a bit of a moment right now – and surely on course for an Oscar nomination – we're taking a look back at seven times when his Irish charm was totally infectious.

1. The time he made fun of his own sex tape

During an appearance on The Graham Norton Show, Farrell was reminded of, well, a slightly embarrassing episode from his past. But, in his usual generous and self-deprecating style, he laughed it off and admitted he had no one to blame for the "bad dialogue" but himself. Whatta guy!

2. The time he talked about living with Barry Keoghan

The two actors lived together while shooting The Banshees of Inisherin, the deeply poignant movie for which Farrell won his Golden Globe. In his acceptance speech, he scolded Keoghan for eating all his Crunchy Nut Cornflakes, but it turns out that there's more to the story. During this appearance on Ireland's The Late Late Show, Farrell described the terrible state he found their shared kitchen in one morning. Note to self: Colin Farrell likes a tidy house.

3. The time he talked about getting his tattoos removed

Farrell is hardly the first person to choose an unusual tattoo design, then come to regret it. A lot. During a visit to James Corden's chat show, he shared a memorable description of his worst tattoo, which apparently looked like a cat doing its business on a chopstick. Never let it be said that Farrell lacks the gift of the gab.

4. Pretty much every time he has spoken about Ireland

During Farrell's most recent visit to The Graham Norton Show – which you can watch in full here – the conversation became kind of derailed when he and British Vogue editor Edward Enninful discovered a shared love of Dublin nightlife. Apparently, they have a friend in common: the legendary Irish drag queen Panti Bliss.

5. The time he and Brendan Gleeson shared some Irish swear words

Farrell and Gleeson are just an absolute delight every time they give an interview together; it's clear they're close mates who share a sense of humor. During this bit with the U.K.'s Magic Radio, they explain the meaning of some popular Irish swear words including the ever popular "feck!"

6. The time he had a tête-à-tête with Hugh Grant

When actors talk about their craft, it can come off pompous. But, this was never going to happen with Farrell and Hugh Grant, two down-to-earth characters who never take themselves too seriously. Their in-depth conversation is funny, informative, and clearly fueled by mutual respect.

7. The time he looked back at his worst-ever haircuts

And who reminded him of them? Our very own Graham Norton, of course! Farrell gets bonus points here for acknowledging that he played Alexander the Great in a 2004 blockbuster with an Irish accent that probably wasn't entirely historically accurate. Never change, Colin Farrell.

Do you have a favorite Colin Farrell moment or anecdote?