Casting News: Natalie Dormer to Play Pioneering Oncologist Audrey Evans in Biopic 'Audrey's Children'

(Photo: Getty Images)
Natalie Dormer has signed up to star in Audrey's Childen, an upcoming movie about pioneering oncologist and nonprofit founder Dr. Audrey Evans.
Deadline reports that Evans, who is now 97 years of age, "fully supports" the film and took part in conversations with screenwriter Julia Fisher Farbman. Evans definitely has an incredible life story to tell. In 1974, she co-founded the original Ronald McDonald House in Philadelphia. It's since grown into a global nonprofit providing low-cost accommodation for families who need somewhere to stay while a child is being treated in the hospital.
She also became known as the "Mother of Neuroblastoma" for her work combating a strain of cancer commonly found in children under five. Hailing Evans as "monumental and impactful," Dormer said of Audrey's Childen: "This film brings to light a woman who has spent her entire career ferociously dedicated to saving the lives of children and supporting families who have gone through unimaginable challenges. Audrey has done so with great heart and modesty. I’m honored to be playing her and to be a part of this inspiring project."
Shooting is due to start in September with Ami Canaan Martin (House of Cards, Marvel's Runaways) directing. 
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